Our Preamble

My Life’s Gift of Purpose!

~ a true story to tell

For every good beginning, there is a story that inspires you. So is mine.

What began as my area of interest to a career for an income was far removed from my true passion and its purpose. Running on parallel tracks chugging and churning within to find the “sweet spot” – combining what I love to do with what I believe I do well.

A dream of 5 years to be a grandmother soon became a desire. Desire blossomed into prayers and then into a blessing in mid-April 2019 when we welcomed our bundle of joy – Riaan, my first grandson and my Gift of Purpose with an upgraded family title PATS! (a word for grandma coined by Riaan himself).

The moment of truth and realization to a whole new meaning in my years of professional learning and experience related to maternal and infant nutrition reframed once again during the second half of my life. My gratitude opened up the doors of destiny and a new beginning to my purpose.

The next few months were an exciting journey of meeting young women (as I attended many new mom groups) and hearing first-hand, their real emotions and experiences during pregnancy and post-delivery. The pain and pleasures of the 270 days of pregnancy, the information overload influenced by the sentiments of friends and social media, the pressures of the known and unknown from family near and dear. All this and more (perinatal, post anxiety, depression) leading to uncertainty and misinformed decisions about right nutrition and lifestyle choices!

As it was written, so it happened

On my return to Aotearoa NZ, I joined an NGO as their Strategic Nutrition Advisor for Healthy Babies Healthy Futures program funded by the Ministry of Health. The experience was soul-stirring and the turning point to serve with sense and sensibility.

With family and friends, Wahine started as a seed of an idea and is now a fully registered charitable trust.

After three purposeful years I was blessed with Arya, my second grandson. The journey continues with an ignited hope to leave a legacy with passion and purpose. This is just the beginning and miles to go before I sleep!